Pre-Alpha Videos of My Windows Phone 7 Games in Development
Submitted by smartyP on Mon, 06/28/2010 - 20:09
It has been mentioned a few times in the last month or so that if you want a Windows Phone 7 test device, then you need to be showing why you deserve one. Most notably, Brandon Watson has laid out a post showing 2 such examples, and listing 6 suggestions of how to garner the @wp7dev team's notice. Well, I'm going to take those 6 suggestions, and respond to each - because I want a friggin' test device.
1) Get the tools and start building apps.
I am working on 3 games independently, as well as several at IQ.
2) Blog about your development progress. Screenshots and videos help a lot.
See #3
3) Tag posts with "Windows Phone 7 Development" or "wp7dev" so that we, and other developers, can find you.
Windows Phone 7 Posts on
4) Build something which extends the platform and can be used by other developers.
How to use the Facebook Developer Toolkit with Windows Phone 7
My Windows Phone 7 Pivot Control
5) Post videos of your apps running in the emulator to youtube
See new preview videos below (hopefully Vimeo is alright)
6) Register in the Windows Phone Marketplace.
To put things in context, I had no intention of posting any videos of my WP7 side projects anytime soon. I hope (read: pray) that folks watching these videos understand that both of these games are very much in the pre-alpha / proof-of-concept state at this point, and honestly any sort of feedback at this point would be very premature.
Pre-Alpha Preview Video of Matchingo 2
This first video showing Matchingo 2 is a very rough port of the original Matchingo - this game will be getting a complete frontend overall and hopefully some pretty cool additions. The UI in the video below is 100% temporary.
Pre-Alpha Preview Video of Hungry Castaway
This second video is showing Hungry Castaway, which is in the proof-of-concept stage as well. This is the game I have been working on in both XNA and Silverlight versions, which I've referenced recently. I spent quite some time evaluating Silverlight vs XNA for this game, but I have now chosen XNA and am back to focusing on functionality.

There is a third game I am working on for WP7 as well, however it is way too early to show anything. I also would love to port to WP7 - but I have to get a better understanding of if such an app can make it through the app approval process. Now that a few of the cats are out of the bag, I guess I better get back to work.. ;)
Looks good to me (sadly I
Looks good to me (sadly I cannot get you a phone!)
PS If you want to check out my pending apps:
The Matchingo 2 game looks
The Matchingo 2 game looks pretty good. Can I use my own photos in the matching?
One suggestion: Please re-record the video showing someone who can actually PLAY. It is frustrating to watch and yell at the screen, "No! Not that one! No, no! Over there!@!"
Perhaps this suggests your game is working quite well?
Good luck!
Did you do your own graphics
Did you do your own graphics for this game? Looks great...
actually a good friend of
actually a good friend of mine did all the art, ill pass along your compliment!
Will your match game be free
Will your match game be free or paid app on the Marketplace?
Graphics look great on the other games.
I bought a windows mobile 7
I bought a windows mobile 7 today with the zune software installed and I really like it. I think Microsoft may have a winner with their new mobile phone software.